Welcome to the ranks of the Blue
Dragonflight! As a Blue Dragonsworn, you will be charged with
the protection and knowledge of magic, and the guardianship of
its proper useage.
Your patron Dragon Aspect is the mighty Malygos
the Spell-Weaver.
Norgannon, the Titan lore keeper and master-magician,
granted the blue dragon, Malygos, a portion of his vast power.
From then on, Malygos would be known as the Spell-Weaver, the
guardian of magic and hidden arcanum.
Unfortunately, past events and hardships have
driven the once noble Malygos to insanity. He now lords over his
home, the Nexxus, with tainted kin of the Blue Dragonflight. He
has lost his way, but the Blue Dragonsworn will work towards the
original non-corrupt goal of our patron.
As a member of the Blue Dragonsworn, your perferred
mount is a choice of the mighty Blue Drake, Azure Drake or the
noble Blue Protodrake. During your Flight's featured week, members
of the United Dragonsworn will do all that we can to aid you in
obtaining your special mount. You will also be given high priority
in the retrival of an Azure whelpling, so that a companion of
your flight may always acompany you into the depths of the dungeons
and raids where your loyal mount cannot go.